A Black-owned Farm Blooms in Sonoma County
October 5, 2022
Inspired by Octavia E. Butler, Pandora Thomas Grows Fruit and Community at EARTHseed Farm As climate disasters dominate headlines, and rent hikes, state-sponsored violence, and union-busting billionaires fuel social inequalities, the premise of the Parable Series, sci-fi books by the beloved ancestor and New York Times best-selling writer Octavia E. Butler, can…
Everything You Need to Know About 988
July 14, 2022
Movement Strategy Center Chats with Tansy Hall McNulty, Founder and CEO of One Million Madly Motivated Moms (1M4), About the Launch of 988On July 16, 2022, 988 is finally going live — a sort of sister service to 911, 988 will replace the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255, which will remain in service after July 16) as a nationwide number for…
Navigating Tensions Within Capitalist Systems
April 11, 2022
Movement Strategy Center on Forging Authentic Relationships Between Funders and Movement LeadersMovement Strategy Center (MSC) is values-aligned with the activist organizations we offer infrastructure to and thought partnership with; and dismantling white supremacy in philanthropy and intermediary services is fundamental to our goal and mission. But at the end…
Acting Boldly, Creatively, and Collectively on Climate Change
August 24, 2021
This Crisis is Real, Intersectional, and It’s Already Happening This summer, the normally pleasant Pacific Northwest has seen three-digit temperatures while unprecedented heat advisories were in place for 80 million Americans across 20 states. As you’re reading this, 97 large wildfires are scorching over 2,000,000 acres in the United States — creating a cloud of…