A Light at the End of the Queens-Midtown Tunnel
January 28, 2025
Love Wins NYC Raises Funds, Friends, and a Glass at Annual EventRegalo: An Offering or Gift The temperature in Jackson Heights, Queens, was below freezing on the second Saturday in December, but inside The Queensboro restaurant, you’d never know it. Members of MSC’s Communications Team joined volunteers from Love Wins NYC and folks from the local community at…
Meet the Artists Building a Future of Solidarity and Care
December 11, 2024
Art.coop’s New Fellowship Supports Six Arts and Culture GroupsRemember the Future At a time when the future seems more uncertain than ever, many of us will be looking toward artists and the arts to help us imagine a world of liberation, interdependence, and resilience. We at MSC are excited to congratulate our partners at Art.coop, who recently announced the…
Letting Love Win in New York City
November 21, 2024
Love Wins NYC Combats Food Insecurity With Compassion For AllWelcome to New York “Everyone gets a hug.” Daniel Puerto, founder of Love Wins NYC, a queer-centric, volunteer-led organization helping combat food insecurity throughout the city, greets volunteers and community members alike with open arms, instantly making those he meets feel welcomed and valued.…
It’s a Beautiful Day in The Neighb
November 12, 2024
Movement Strategy Center Visits a Beacon of Community RevitalizationApril weather is anything but predictable in Saginaw, Mich. It was sunshine one moment and rain showers the next; cool in the morning with temperatures and humidity sneaking up over the course of the day. That unpredictability echos a visit to The Neighb, a local community center and Movement…
Don’t Call it a Comeback: Reintroducing Brown Boi Project
June 6, 2024
Tiana Moon of Brown Boi Project on Liberatory Masculinity, their Retreat and the FutureAt the heart of social transformation, where the push for equity meets the personal journey of identity, Brown Boi Project (BBP) carves out a space for radical reimagination. Since its inception in 2010 by B. Cole, BBP has been steering conversations and actions towards a new…
Reimagining History and Healing
April 8, 2024
MSC Celebrates Anasa Trouman’s Vision for Memphis as a Beacon of HopeAs Women’s History Month draws to a close and we approach the anniversary of the pivotal end of the sanitation workers’ strike on April 16, we seek to honor new chapters written in the legacy of this historical event by MSC’s board member Anasa Troutman and her work at Historic…
MSC Launches a Donor Advised Fund Program
March 12, 2024
New Program Gives Donors a Chance to be a Part of Their Own Impact Investing StoryIn late 2023, MSC launched the Movement Strategy Center Donor Advised Fund (DAF) program, allowing individuals, families, companies, private foundations, trusts, and other entities to invest their assets toward building community wealth and power for leaders on the frontlines of…
Ten More Years of Healing
November 9, 2023
Healing Clinic Collective Shares Their Vision for the Next Decade of HealingThe communal spirit soared high at Humanist Hall on October 14, 2023, celebrating the decade-long journey of the Healing Clinic Collective (HCC). Dozens of folks came out to partake in the music, love, and laughter that — along with incense of copal and tobacco — infused the air at a…
BBQs, Barbers, & Beyond: After Incarceration’s Impact in Albany
October 29, 2023
Charting the Journey from Personal Transformation to Community SolidarityNavigating the path back into society after incarceration is a daunting task, made more challenging when coupled with the hardships of homelessness. Both reentry and homelessness, although different experiences, can lead to feelings of being undervalued or overlooked. This shared struggle…
Building Power Through Connection
October 28, 2023
A Convergence of Community, Collaboration, and Commitment Towards a Sustainable Future with When Black + Brown Go Green (WBBGG)Since its inception in 2018 in the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles, CA, where access to green spaces is not a given, When Black + Brown Go Green (WBBGG) has emerged as an intergenerational beacon for climate action and regenerative…