Don’t Call it a Comeback: Reintroducing Brown Boi Project

Tiana Moon of Brown Boi Project on Liberatory Masculinity, their Retreat and the FutureAt the heart of social transformation, where the push for equity meets the personal journey of identity, Brown Boi Project (BBP) carves out a space for radical reimagination. Since its inception in 2010 by B. Cole, BBP has been steering conversations and actions towards a new…

Reimagining History and Healing

MSC Celebrates Anasa Trouman’s Vision for Memphis as a Beacon of HopeAs Women’s History Month draws to a close and we approach the anniversary of the pivotal end of the sanitation workers’ strike on April 16, we seek to honor new chapters written in the legacy of this historical event by MSC’s board member Anasa Troutman and her work at Historic…

Movement Strategy Center DAF with blocks spelling the word DAF (Abbreviation of Donor Advised Fund)

MSC Launches a Donor Advised Fund Program

New Program Gives Donors a Chance to be a Part of Their Own Impact Investing StoryIn late 2023, MSC launched the Movement Strategy Center Donor Advised Fund (DAF) program, allowing individuals, families, companies, private foundations, trusts, and other entities to invest their assets toward building community wealth and power for leaders on the frontlines of…

Ten More Years of Healing

Healing Clinic Collective Shares Their Vision for the Next Decade of HealingThe communal spirit soared high at Humanist Hall on October 14, 2023, celebrating the decade-long journey of the Healing Clinic Collective (HCC). Dozens of folks came out to partake in the music, love, and laughter that — along with incense of copal and tobacco — infused the air at a…

BBQs, Barbers, & Beyond: After Incarceration’s Impact in Albany

Charting the Journey from Personal Transformation to Community SolidarityNavigating the path back into society after incarceration is a daunting task, made more challenging when coupled with the hardships of homelessness. Both reentry and homelessness, although different experiences, can lead to feelings of being undervalued or overlooked. This shared struggle…

Building Power Through Connection

A Convergence of Community, Collaboration, and Commitment Towards a Sustainable Future with When Black + Brown Go Green (WBBGG)Since its inception in 2018 in the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles, CA, where access to green spaces is not a given, When Black + Brown Go Green (WBBGG) has emerged as an intergenerational beacon for climate action and regenerative…

HCC’s Decade of
Cultivating Healing

Movement Strategy Center Celebrates Ten Years of Healing Clinic CollectiveCelebrating a decade of unwavering commitment to community health and healing, the Healing Clinic Collective (HCC) marks its tenth anniversary with a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Since its inception, HCC has been a beacon of hope and support for communities, offering accessible…

Gender Just Climate Solutions with Jane Fonda and Jacqui Patterson

A Climate Week Gathering Highlights Small Projects, Big Impacts, and the Work of WomenClimate Week NYC — the largest annual climate event of its kind — offers in-person, hybrid, and online events and activities for activists, businesses, and politicians from all over the world. Hosted by Climate Group, an international nonprofit that supports climate action, the…

Shaping the Future of Environmental Justice:
A Conversation with MSC’s Environmental Fellow

Movement Strategy Center Explores Architecture, Community Engagement, and Mentorship with Walter HuntAt the core of the environmental movement is a vision to reshape and align our communities toward a regenerative relationship with the earth. At Movement Strategy Center (MSC), we’re not just embracing this vision; we’re cultivating the leaders who…

Growing Hope: Cultivating a Resilient Future in
Sandbranch, Texas

Movement Strategy Center Shares the Sandbranch Revitalization Fund’s ProgressSandbranch’s relationship with water paints a poignant narrative of resilience. The absence of safe, clean water reverberates throughout the entire fabric of the community, touching upon every aspect of life — people, productivity, and the natural world alike. Yet, amid these…