A Light at the End of the Queens-Midtown Tunnel

Love Wins NYC Raises Funds, Friends, and a Glass at Annual EventRegalo: An Offering or Gift The temperature in Jackson Heights, Queens, was below freezing on the second Saturday in December, but inside The Queensboro restaurant, you’d never know it. Members of MSC’s Communications Team joined volunteers from Love Wins NYC and folks from the local community at…

Meet the Artists Building a Future of Solidarity and Care

Art.coop’s New Fellowship Supports Six Arts and Culture GroupsRemember the Future At a time when the future seems more uncertain than ever, many of us will be looking toward artists and the arts to help us imagine a world of liberation, interdependence, and resilience. We at MSC are excited to congratulate our partners at Art.coop, who recently announced the…

Letting Love Win in New York City

Love Wins NYC Combats Food Insecurity With Compassion For AllWelcome to New York “Everyone gets a hug.”  Daniel Puerto, founder of Love Wins NYC, a queer-centric, volunteer-led organization helping combat food insecurity throughout the city, greets volunteers and community members alike with open arms, instantly making those he meets feel welcomed and valued.…

It’s a Beautiful Day in The Neighb

Movement Strategy Center Visits a Beacon of Community RevitalizationApril weather is anything but predictable in Saginaw, Mich. It was sunshine one moment and rain showers the next; cool in the morning with temperatures and humidity sneaking up over the course of the day. That unpredictability echos a visit to The Neighb, a local community center and Movement…

Don’t Call it a Comeback: Reintroducing Brown Boi Project

Tiana Moon of Brown Boi Project on Liberatory Masculinity, their Retreat and the FutureAt the heart of social transformation, where the push for equity meets the personal journey of identity, Brown Boi Project (BBP) carves out a space for radical reimagination. Since its inception in 2010 by B. Cole, BBP has been steering conversations and actions towards a new…

The MSC Storytelling Series: Julie Quiroz

Our Storytelling Series Features the Folks Most Associated With MSC's History: Meet Julie QuirozIn this installment we get to know strategist and storyteller Julie Quiroz — formerly of Movement Strategy Center (MSC) and founder of New Moon Collaborations, a Movement Strategy Network (MSN)  partner.“Are we here for change or are we here for transformation?” It’s…

Gender Just Climate Solutions with Jane Fonda and Jacqui Patterson

A Climate Week Gathering Highlights Small Projects, Big Impacts, and the Work of WomenClimate Week NYC — the largest annual climate event of its kind — offers in-person, hybrid, and online events and activities for activists, businesses, and politicians from all over the world. Hosted by Climate Group, an international nonprofit that supports climate action, the…

Shaping the Future of Environmental Justice:
A Conversation with MSC’s Environmental Fellow

Movement Strategy Center Explores Architecture, Community Engagement, and Mentorship with Walter HuntAt the core of the environmental movement is a vision to reshape and align our communities toward a regenerative relationship with the earth. At Movement Strategy Center (MSC), we’re not just embracing this vision; we’re cultivating the leaders who…

Growing Hope: Cultivating a Resilient Future in
Sandbranch, Texas

Movement Strategy Center Shares the Sandbranch Revitalization Fund’s ProgressSandbranch’s relationship with water paints a poignant narrative of resilience. The absence of safe, clean water reverberates throughout the entire fabric of the community, touching upon every aspect of life — people, productivity, and the natural world alike. Yet, amid these…

Photo credit: Tiffany D. Brown Photography.

988: Keeping up With
Tansy McNulty a Year After Launch

Movement Strategy Center Catches up With Founder and CEO of 1M4 to Discuss the Successes and StrugglesAs the nationwide replacement for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 988 aimed to revolutionize crisis support in the United States. This three-digit number represents a significant milestone in the field, providing a confidential and free lifeline…