What if agriculture was safe, equitable, and regenerative, and the methods used to cultivate our lands were inspired by our ancestors and not determined by corporations? These organizations support justice for laborers and growers, fair distribution and consumption of crops, and shared responsibility for preserving land sovereignty and resources for future generations.
Democracy at Home
Democracy at Home is a youth led non-profit building coalitions to pass legislation written by young people
EARTHseed Farm by Sankofa Project
EARTHseed Farm is a 14-acre solar-powered organic farm and orchard located on the ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok…
HEAL Food Alliance
The Health, Environment, Agriculture and Labor Food Alliance (HEAL) is a national multi-sector, multi-racial coalition…
People’s Climate Innovation Center
People’s Climate Innovation Center (PCIC) (formally Climate Innovation) has been a powerhouse supporting vibrant…
Saginaw Just Transition Indaba
In the middle of Saginaw, MI sits a 54-acre fairground that was once the home of the biggest fair in the region from…
When Black + Brown Go Green (Past Project)
When Black + Brown Go Green (WBBGG) is an intergenerational movement organization for climate action and regenerative…