What if all people had equitable access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life? These organizations support access and security for all people while examining the structural roots of the disparities in this access.

Democracy at Home

Democracy at Home is a youth led non-profit building coalitions to pass legislation written by young people

A red barn with a sign reading

EARTHseed Farm by Sankofa Project

EARTHseed Farm is a 14-acre solar-powered organic farm and orchard located on the ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok…

A large group of people part of the HEAL Food Alliance

HEAL Food Alliance

The Health, Environment, Agriculture and Labor Food Alliance (HEAL) is a national multi-sector, multi-racial coalition…

A black hand holding a handful of green crops. Text in the upper left corner reads: Kilomba Collective

Kilomba Collective

Kilomba Collective is the first collective of Black Brazilian immigrant women in the United States and connects Black…

Love Wins NYC

Founded in June 2020 in Jackson Heights in Queens — once the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic — Love Wins NYC began…

Saginaw Just Transition Indaba

In the middle of Saginaw, MI sits a 54-acre fairground that was once the home of the biggest fair in the region from…

Seven BIPOC people pose for a picture while wearing masks in Sandbranch, Texas.

Sandbranch Revitalization Fund

Believe it or not, there are folks living just 14 miles from Dallas, TX — one of the wealthiest cities in the world —…

The Neighb

The Neighb serves the evolving needs of the Saginaw community. With a strong focus on economically disadvantaged youth…

A group of kids in The President's Youth Council formed in a huddle with their arms wrapped around each other.

The President’s Youth Council

The President’s Youth Council (PYC) is a body of youth ambassadors from across California that serves in partnership…