Location: Philadelphia, PA
Region: United States
Founding: 2016
Founders/leadership: Anthony Giancatarino, project director


The Just Community Energy Transition Project (JCET) catalyzes, convenes, and facilitates community-driven strategies and practices to build transformative alignment towards an anti-racist and regenerative economy, primarily through the lens of the energy economy and its transition.

Anthony Giancatarino has led JCET for the last three years, working with community partners to strive for antiracist practices and community-driven processes in policy development, strategy, and collective governance that advances energy democracy and a regenerative economy. 

Knowledge is power. JCET’s website offers a collection of resources to usher us into a Just Transition to build collective power. In partnership with insite collaborative communities, community-based organizations, academic institutions, and others, these resources can provide an understanding of where power comes from, how the electrical grid works, which can make a change, and how community visioning could create a more equitable and just energy system. Based in Philadelphia, PA, JCET works with community-based organizations, coalitions, and alliances to support policy strategies that advance energy democracy and climate justice. Regionally, JCET partners to build relationships across Pennsylvania and the Gulf of Mexico to challenge the terrible trifecta: an extractive energy economy, racism, and the urban-rural divide. Nationally, JCET collaborates with frontline national networks, alliances, and coalitions on various energy democracy and leadership projects.